MON - FRI 9:00 - 15:00

Australian Owned & Operated, With A Local-Based Call Center


Our Shredding Service has been providing Australians with the highest quality paper shredding services for more than 22 years.


Our Shredding Service has been providing Australians with the highest quality paper shredding services for more than 22 years.

Paper documents in a digital age

You’d be forgiven for thinking printed documents are on the way out as we move towards the age of the ‘paperless office’. However, while transmitting and storing documents digitally is undeniably convenient, many of the most important (and most sensitive) documents we receive still tend to be in hard-copy form.

A recent survey in the US revealed that many people still prefer paper documents over digital. Around 70% of respondents found it easier to manage their finances with printed documents, while 65% preferred to receive both digital and hard-copy versions of important documents, like bank statements. Even people who opt for digital documents often print them out, either for greater readability or to file away.

With so much printed material still in use, security remains a major concern, especially as the kinds of documents still commonly received in paper form read like an identity thief’s shopping list: bank and credit card statements, driver’s licence renewals, insurance policies, council rates, details of shareholdings, expired passports and so on.

It’s not only printed documents that pose a potential security risk, even something as seemingly harmless as an old photo could help a criminal construct a fraudulent identity, especially when combined with other sensitive private details. So it’s essential that sensitive paper documents and other printed matter are not only safely stored, but securely and totally destroyed when no longer needed.

Metropolitan Document Shredding Service offers complete erasure of all sensitive information by a combination of comprehensive cross-cutting and final recycling. Our security is second to none, with all facilities security checked, and all staff handling documents cleared to a minimum of a national police record check.

Phone us today on 1300 677 074 to find out how we can take the hassle and guesswork out of your document destruction needs.

Paper documents digital age

Paper documents digital age

Paper documents digital age